"Naturally a recycling being, destined to nomadism, she spends most of her life moving objects from a place to another and to fix and store them as part of her alchemy process and meditation towards new creative productions."
40 years experience as Visual Designer, Curator and Promoter of events,
artist McBett then studied physical theatre as her way to acquire knowledge of the humanity behaviour.
McBett obtained her Accademia di Belle Arti degree in 1984 with full marks, which followed her Maestro d'Arte in Ceramics diploma in 1980,
meantime already participating with art projects to contemporary art exhibitions curated by contemporary art critics, like Luigi Crispolti, Achille Bonito Oliva etc.
and being active part of the urban cultural scene of Roma.
An independent artist, McBett experienced in time all the branches of visual productions, spending the earlier part of her life working in the settings for theatre, so her later art endeavour is influenced by this set design background, and mostly in context.
Trained in Scenografia Oggi studios, where she worked for the make of props and sets for national TV, Opera, Theatre, and Cinema sets, just 18yo,
she Co-founded Atmoscena Co-op (Set Designers, Rome 1982-85) and later co-founded and then lead as 10 years chairperson Anonima Progetti Co-op (sets, backstage and events, Rome, 1986-97).
McBett is fully involved in the social life of Rome, as kid, singing in the Filarmonica Romana under Pablo Colino, she sang esseys from classical music and the whole concert of La Vespa di Toti, of Roman Vlad, with the poems of Toti Scialoja. Broadcaster in radio programmes (ROR) since a teen, took part in most of the challenging alternative grassroot events that marked the city, particularly in the 80's and 90's, creating theatre and artistic events out of site, collaborating with grassroot collectives at national level (Estate Fuori dal Comune, Coordinamento Nazionale dei Centri Sociali, Teatri Invisibili) and opening art spaces in public areas and social centres (Progetto Mayakovsky in forte Prenestino, Ricostruire dalle Macerie in Corto Circuito Cinecittá, Porfirio Villarosa in Ex-SNIA Prenestino, Ambrakowsky 1 in Ambra Jovinelli Stazione Termini, Progetto Sherwood in Rome (Fori Imperiali, Centocelle, Quarticciolo), TEE Teatro Stabile delle Marche, Festival De la Flor, Festival Polverigi) and to promote and produce theatrical and musical events and operas (Marcello Cava, teatro Ateneo, Arturo Annecchino, Cervello a Sonagli).
McBett moved to Ireland, in Dublin, in 1998 where, after having funded A-GRO BA theater company for a year, worked in local art-studios (Pallas studios, Gerard's Dowling studio) being therefore selected in local, national and international exhibitions ( Ballsbridge Art Fair, Columbus Art Centre, IONTAS, Sculpture in Context).
For 5 years she directed, curated and managed the pilot project, multicultural, experimental space SHE-D (formerly The Shed 2006-11), and, soon after, briefly promoted the Mountjoy Square World Orchestra project, to engage with local-international culture which was suspended after she got an injury.
In 2013 became member of Comitato 3 Ottobre and participated to the congress for the writing of Lampedusa's Chart, in Lampedusa, for the rights of free circulation and the opening of borders.
Moved to New Ross, Co Wexford, in 2014 where she became a member of the R.A.M.P. collective.
It followed a long period of illness, where McBett developed a residential program for local communities. Temporarily elected Director for the Community & Voluntary Sector for New Ross Urban Area and therefore has been shortly part of the Board of Directors for Wexford Local Development.
A Director and Secretary in the Board of Directors of Forests Friends Ireland, after years of collaboration and broadcasts with this environmental group, she then, moved in the south-east, promoted her branch BEITHE DEOIR, to produce awareness on sustainability and biodiversity by which she produces community projects with local institutions' support (Waterford County Council).
Her sustainable/zerowaste/freegan project STAY HUMAN IRELAND, is active to distribute eco-friendly vegan remains from Sustanaible makers, workshops and factories worldwide in link with plenty of International Human Rights organizations.
Resident in county Wexford, her studio based temporarly in Waterford Town, by The Rougue Gallery and Studios, where she started her medium term environmental projects, and in 2022 and '23 has been included as a solo artist in the International Event 18th and 19th Giornata del Contemporaneo organised by AMACI.
Her production/documentation company is Narrow Lanes International. It aims to social activism, campaigning and documentation on sustainibility, climate crisis, human and animal rights and personal art/experimental publications, in link with these principles.
McBett has been a member of Spam Art, in Rome, of Art Process international art community website.
She has been registered in Ireland with V.A.I. and with South East Makers Space, S.E.M.S, in Waterford.
She is registered with IVARO and IMRO.
In support of her creative endeavor, McBett achieved in time institutional grants and awards, locally and internationally (City Council of Rome, City Council of Dublin, Culture Ireland, Arts Council of Ireland, Sculpture in Context Ireland, Forest Friends Ireland, Waterford County Council).
McBett works, performances and documentaries are temporarely or permanently exhibited in private and public spaces internationally and her documents are part of Museum archives in Ireland (Iontas, Sculpture in Context, Dublin Castle, Dublin Writers Museum, Samuel Beckett Theatre at Thrinity College, Kilmainham Gaol, NCAD, Coombe Hospital, Waterford Art Healing Trust, Ferrybank Shopping Centre in Kilkenny, Sligo Art Centre, Blu Raincoat Theatre, Waterford GOMA gallery, Dublin Five Lamps Festival) and internationally (Palazzo delle Esposizioni of Rome, Teatro Ghione Rome, Teatro della Cometa Rome, Contemporary Art Museum of Novi Sad, Barcelona Nuevo Teatre, Columbus Ohio US Cultural centre, San Marino SMIAF Festival dei Giovani Saperi, Torino Paratissima Festival, Trapani Art Process International Art Exhibition, London Art fair, New York Art project, Liverpool AhAH Festival, Giornata del Contemporaneo) or part of private collections (Enrique Juncosa).
My Research
My artistic experience aims to provoke and stimulate exchanges between people to be involved in their specific contexts and to consider their resulting contributions within high standard experimental art creations.
This exchange is planned from the beginning to the end as an unique creative process, including concepts, specific materials, techniques,
scripts and sounds and whose results produce very diverse, conterxtualised and often also mutating estetics.
The richness of the result is given from the specific variety of responses given from the specific contexts and time.
Working in determined environments (cities, hospitals, jails, traveller centres, teen-clubs, carboot sale markets, streets, natural environments, etc) has brought me into contact with individuals of disparate background, whose experience can be complex and enriching.
I meet persons outside the confines of safe academic environments, offering to release us from confinements into social community frames or labels. Persons' unique experiences, independently from being academically trained or not, are the valuable contribution I target to.
The recent years are spent in hermitage, after moving to a countryside insulated and dismissed area, in contact with animals and natural elements where to study sustainable natural environmental solutions,
so I am focusing on eco-art studies and projects and climate stabilization.
In this context I am facing the past years natural cathastrophes and the pandemy.
Through this continuous informal learning process, in progress, I approach my everyday life.
McBett's endeavour has been published in time in articles and listings internationally in Ireland, Uk, Us, Italy, Germany, Greece, Serbia, Spain on specific magazines and newspapers (The Irish Independent, The Guardian, V.A.I. magazine).
Being a blogger, McBett engages with a continuous experimental management of most social media, in which she intertains conversation on various congruent matters, as part of her research and communication, so as a parallel form of her artistic, political endeavour.
She wrote few books and directed/produced a documentary, intentionally unpublished (SKIP-S 2007) but presented in Kilmainham Gaol by the Italian Institute of Culture, one book of which (Testimonianze Sparse) was awarded a second prize at Stampa Alternativa's Scritti nel Cassetto prize, in Rome in 1991.
McBett bases her art on reuse, therefore defines her art A-Temporary.
In this way she is calling to a conclusion to what is called Contemporary Art, that is a concept connected to the past millennium, and today abused to include any sort of stuff and product.
(Update Dec 2023)
photo: McBett Whitewash by Jo' La Mela
40 years experience as Visual Designer, Curator and Promoter of events,
artist McBett then studied physical theatre as her way to acquire knowledge of the humanity behaviour.
McBett obtained her Accademia di Belle Arti degree in 1984 with full marks, which followed her Maestro d'Arte in Ceramics diploma in 1980,
meantime already participating with art projects to contemporary art exhibitions curated by contemporary art critics, like Luigi Crispolti, Achille Bonito Oliva etc.
and being active part of the urban cultural scene of Roma.
An independent artist, McBett experienced in time all the branches of visual productions, spending the earlier part of her life working in the settings for theatre, so her later art endeavour is influenced by this set design background, and mostly in context.
Trained in Scenografia Oggi studios, where she worked for the make of props and sets for national TV, Opera, Theatre, and Cinema sets, just 18yo,
she Co-founded Atmoscena Co-op (Set Designers, Rome 1982-85) and later co-founded and then lead as 10 years chairperson Anonima Progetti Co-op (sets, backstage and events, Rome, 1986-97).
McBett is fully involved in the social life of Rome, as kid, singing in the Filarmonica Romana under Pablo Colino, she sang esseys from classical music and the whole concert of La Vespa di Toti, of Roman Vlad, with the poems of Toti Scialoja. Broadcaster in radio programmes (ROR) since a teen, took part in most of the challenging alternative grassroot events that marked the city, particularly in the 80's and 90's, creating theatre and artistic events out of site, collaborating with grassroot collectives at national level (Estate Fuori dal Comune, Coordinamento Nazionale dei Centri Sociali, Teatri Invisibili) and opening art spaces in public areas and social centres (Progetto Mayakovsky in forte Prenestino, Ricostruire dalle Macerie in Corto Circuito Cinecittá, Porfirio Villarosa in Ex-SNIA Prenestino, Ambrakowsky 1 in Ambra Jovinelli Stazione Termini, Progetto Sherwood in Rome (Fori Imperiali, Centocelle, Quarticciolo), TEE Teatro Stabile delle Marche, Festival De la Flor, Festival Polverigi) and to promote and produce theatrical and musical events and operas (Marcello Cava, teatro Ateneo, Arturo Annecchino, Cervello a Sonagli).
McBett moved to Ireland, in Dublin, in 1998 where, after having funded A-GRO BA theater company for a year, worked in local art-studios (Pallas studios, Gerard's Dowling studio) being therefore selected in local, national and international exhibitions ( Ballsbridge Art Fair, Columbus Art Centre, IONTAS, Sculpture in Context).
For 5 years she directed, curated and managed the pilot project, multicultural, experimental space SHE-D (formerly The Shed 2006-11), and, soon after, briefly promoted the Mountjoy Square World Orchestra project, to engage with local-international culture which was suspended after she got an injury.
In 2013 became member of Comitato 3 Ottobre and participated to the congress for the writing of Lampedusa's Chart, in Lampedusa, for the rights of free circulation and the opening of borders.
Moved to New Ross, Co Wexford, in 2014 where she became a member of the R.A.M.P. collective.
It followed a long period of illness, where McBett developed a residential program for local communities. Temporarily elected Director for the Community & Voluntary Sector for New Ross Urban Area and therefore has been shortly part of the Board of Directors for Wexford Local Development.
A Director and Secretary in the Board of Directors of Forests Friends Ireland, after years of collaboration and broadcasts with this environmental group, she then, moved in the south-east, promoted her branch BEITHE DEOIR, to produce awareness on sustainability and biodiversity by which she produces community projects with local institutions' support (Waterford County Council).
Her sustainable/zerowaste/freegan project STAY HUMAN IRELAND, is active to distribute eco-friendly vegan remains from Sustanaible makers, workshops and factories worldwide in link with plenty of International Human Rights organizations.
Resident in county Wexford, her studio based temporarly in Waterford Town, by The Rougue Gallery and Studios, where she started her medium term environmental projects, and in 2022 and '23 has been included as a solo artist in the International Event 18th and 19th Giornata del Contemporaneo organised by AMACI.
Her production/documentation company is Narrow Lanes International. It aims to social activism, campaigning and documentation on sustainibility, climate crisis, human and animal rights and personal art/experimental publications, in link with these principles.
McBett has been a member of Spam Art, in Rome, of Art Process international art community website.
She has been registered in Ireland with V.A.I. and with South East Makers Space, S.E.M.S, in Waterford.
She is registered with IVARO and IMRO.
In support of her creative endeavor, McBett achieved in time institutional grants and awards, locally and internationally (City Council of Rome, City Council of Dublin, Culture Ireland, Arts Council of Ireland, Sculpture in Context Ireland, Forest Friends Ireland, Waterford County Council).
McBett works, performances and documentaries are temporarely or permanently exhibited in private and public spaces internationally and her documents are part of Museum archives in Ireland (Iontas, Sculpture in Context, Dublin Castle, Dublin Writers Museum, Samuel Beckett Theatre at Thrinity College, Kilmainham Gaol, NCAD, Coombe Hospital, Waterford Art Healing Trust, Ferrybank Shopping Centre in Kilkenny, Sligo Art Centre, Blu Raincoat Theatre, Waterford GOMA gallery, Dublin Five Lamps Festival) and internationally (Palazzo delle Esposizioni of Rome, Teatro Ghione Rome, Teatro della Cometa Rome, Contemporary Art Museum of Novi Sad, Barcelona Nuevo Teatre, Columbus Ohio US Cultural centre, San Marino SMIAF Festival dei Giovani Saperi, Torino Paratissima Festival, Trapani Art Process International Art Exhibition, London Art fair, New York Art project, Liverpool AhAH Festival, Giornata del Contemporaneo) or part of private collections (Enrique Juncosa).
My Research
My artistic experience aims to provoke and stimulate exchanges between people to be involved in their specific contexts and to consider their resulting contributions within high standard experimental art creations.
This exchange is planned from the beginning to the end as an unique creative process, including concepts, specific materials, techniques,
scripts and sounds and whose results produce very diverse, conterxtualised and often also mutating estetics.
The richness of the result is given from the specific variety of responses given from the specific contexts and time.
Working in determined environments (cities, hospitals, jails, traveller centres, teen-clubs, carboot sale markets, streets, natural environments, etc) has brought me into contact with individuals of disparate background, whose experience can be complex and enriching.
I meet persons outside the confines of safe academic environments, offering to release us from confinements into social community frames or labels. Persons' unique experiences, independently from being academically trained or not, are the valuable contribution I target to.
The recent years are spent in hermitage, after moving to a countryside insulated and dismissed area, in contact with animals and natural elements where to study sustainable natural environmental solutions,
so I am focusing on eco-art studies and projects and climate stabilization.
In this context I am facing the past years natural cathastrophes and the pandemy.
Through this continuous informal learning process, in progress, I approach my everyday life.
McBett's endeavour has been published in time in articles and listings internationally in Ireland, Uk, Us, Italy, Germany, Greece, Serbia, Spain on specific magazines and newspapers (The Irish Independent, The Guardian, V.A.I. magazine).
Being a blogger, McBett engages with a continuous experimental management of most social media, in which she intertains conversation on various congruent matters, as part of her research and communication, so as a parallel form of her artistic, political endeavour.
She wrote few books and directed/produced a documentary, intentionally unpublished (SKIP-S 2007) but presented in Kilmainham Gaol by the Italian Institute of Culture, one book of which (Testimonianze Sparse) was awarded a second prize at Stampa Alternativa's Scritti nel Cassetto prize, in Rome in 1991.
McBett bases her art on reuse, therefore defines her art A-Temporary.
In this way she is calling to a conclusion to what is called Contemporary Art, that is a concept connected to the past millennium, and today abused to include any sort of stuff and product.
(Update Dec 2023)
photo: McBett Whitewash by Jo' La Mela