2014 07.03 SKIPS 2007 documentary 06.30/07.07 FACK MSUV FORUM NOVISAD
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article in Dnevnik related to FACK:
http://www.dnevnik.rs/naslovi/%E2%80%9Eoslobadjanje%E2%80%9D-muzeja-kapacitet-koji-svi-dele "Liberation" museum: Capacity all sharing Updated 1 day 16 hours Tomaž in Slovenia is here to make music, Luka from Italy as a filmmaker interested to make a kind of diary of the whole action, a local activist Alexander Bede interested in how the two institutions under one roof to cope with the new situation ... enlarge Call for an end to neoliberalism Many others presented their reasons for coming to dozens gathered yesterday at the Museum of Contemporary Art, which will be July 6, a kind of free zone for artists and activists from around the world. The project is called "FAQ MSUV" and "Performing the museum as a common good," and comes from Cesena, by Branko Popovic and Nandan Kirke, who are part of the platform called ambiguous acronym F.A.C.K.. First time outside of Italy, where the "liberated" a few spaces in the public interest (theaters, cinemas, abandoned spaces), this platform has given itself the task to redefine certain aspects of contemporary culture with the dominant forms of mediation, trying to move to a model of direct participation, the so-called participation in decision-making. - There is no particular plan, program. We're all here to see what we will and what. Total expected forty artists - says Branko Popovic, noting eksperimentanost project. The first paper was almost by accident and not presented as a drawing on the wall. "The production process of art in neoliberalism" drew Vladan Jeremic, the artist known for an active attitude towards politics. The drawing is presented about the position of the artist in today's society and how they are handled. Jeremic explained how, as well as in every other business, workers exploited and culture, with the goal of efficient industrialization. This process, he said, must stop, and the drawing has two possible models - a break with the mechanisms of social pressure and a break with the ruling ideology in which creates reserve army of workers. Jeremic in the afternoon stakeholders "liberation" of museum met with the platform "Artliks" and the magazine "Artliks Gazeta", the current tendency to consider concrete strategies and ways of organizing, such as the occupation of the museum, strikes, self-organized educational projects, both locally and globally sindikalizovanje . - For me, there are two ideas that can be identified with the collective power to the communist and democratic ideas, but we know that both led to disastrous, at least as disappointing results. - Said the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, and quoted him in "FAQ" platform. - It is necessary to really think about what it means to the idea of community-based capacity of all, it does not mean that we believe that everyone does the same, but if we think of collective equality, we think it based on the capacity that is divided among all. Of course, all forms of government as we know them are oligarchic, based on the notion that there are those who are there to govern, for the competent, there's even a science of management (by the way, what is it that you equate science with politics?). Compared to all this, we have two options: either to believe that it is good the way it is and be silent, or to think that is not good and that something else can be under a different name. The second option could be based only on the hypothesis of confidence in the capacity of intelligence that we all share. I. Buric |
03 July 2014 h 23:00 NOVI SAD SERBIA S-KIPS 2007 by McBett The on-site documentary is produced (self-produced) along with the creation and execution of a visual art exhibition in the Museum of Kilmainham jail, in Dublin, Ireland. The two year process is here an unplanned historical development of the Art in Context exhibition into a public execution in which the audience is witness of a unique event where artworks are judged and condamned to distruction after a trial and sentence, whose development is produced by the unforeseen reaction of the audience during the two months exhibition in 2005. Interviews to the general audience and to the guardians of the Museum, which is one of the main Hystorical British jails in Ireland, eventually used for more commemorative exhibitions or just for guided tours, during the period of show, as filmed in the documentary, witness the actual feed back, and lead to the real - non fictional - consequences of the Artwork to be condamned to a dead end within that specific context, as the amount of emotional feed back, mainly negative (but eventually positive, even for the sense of the provocation) was so strong to block any calculated possibility to continue to exhibit anywhere else or to replicate the exhibition in similar or other contexts, because it would have been a forced nonsense. In this way the representation of the pain or the horror became new real pain/horror, for the breach of expectancy and contrast with traditional habits of the museum. And also for y choice to lower down real, in contrast with my position of artist above the parts, which means unreal just part of a representation. Transforming then the representation into a ritual. The exhibition pieces, sculptures and installations or video-installations, which are in fact elements for four differently titled installations (Internal landscapes - Bound Beings - Strange Fruit - Threads) of which themes run through glimpses of historical and literary Ireland and Europe, but also actuality themes like war, jail, racism and in all the subjects the main link is the tie - would be physical or metaphorical. However, the composition of the installations, set inside the real cells of the impressive East Wing of the jail, mostly made with found, recycled materials, those materials easy to be collected around the streets of an economically explosive city, (we are in the main boom period of the so called Celtic Tiger), disturb the rethorical audience, as they can't accept such rubbish to be placed beside the shrines of the revolution heroes, forgetting the real history for the fake legend. The target is to rediscuss the Irish rebellion and it's consequences, to examine what is today the mentality of the citizens, what is the republic, and who really died and for what. Particularly strong is the argument on the central installation Strange Fruit, where it is evident that the cold and angry reaction of the audience generates because of the juxtaposition - for them improper and offensive - of an idea generated by Billie Holiday's song, talking of corpses of african-american hanging from trees, and the place where white irish revolutionaries had been executed. All this, including that the installation is made of mannequin legs - trouvès of a suddenly rich and gaspillering Ireland - and not in safe and glorious bronze, brings to a topic scandal of enormous proportion in comparation to a real war horror that just started internationally killing thousands and thousands of people in the middle east, also demonstrating that the power of who has the chance to create a media focus is enormous and ho emotions can be manipulated through simple representations. Obviously, as revolutionaries, those who died prisoners were in their proclaims considering themselves beside all those populations struggling for independence. However they died, actually were killed, and those who set the republic after them did not certainly followed the human and justice principles promoted by these poets and dreamers, who imagine the Irish rebellion as fraternal to all others, where freedom is sought. A very common contradiction, from the centuries of the centuries... The whole work is McBett's dedicated project of three full years (not including about three years of preparation of the exhibition). Direction of documentary and performance, artworks and setting of exhibition, interviews and also direction of editing and post-production are all cured by McBett. the documentary is printed in physical DVD with handmade covers on recycled paper envelopes. Many collaborated to the whole process and they are listed at the end of the documentary. It lasts 58 min and there are subtitles available in English, Italian, Spanish language. being a work of visual art rather than film the project is presented mostly accompanied by a debate/lecture and travelled internationally in the years . in other Visual Arts contexts. |
FACK MSUV / performing the museum as a common
FACK MSUV event is taking place at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (MSUV) in Novi Sad (Serbia), from June 30 to July 06, 2014 (and maybe longer).
The event is launched by the mobile art platform F.A.C.K. from Cesena (Italy) in collaboration with “liberated spaces” MACAO (Milan), Teatro Valle (Rome), SALE.Docks (Venice) and Embros Theatre (Athens) and is realized with the contribution and participation of numerous artists, curators, researchers, activist and citizens from the ex-Yu region and the rest of Europe.
What the FACK MSUV is...
liberated space/time / FACK MSUV is an operation of temporary “liberation” of the museum (it can be conceived too as a sui generis occupation or re-appropriation) with the aim of making it open and freely accessible for use for both local and international (art) community without classical institutional filtering and control “from the top down”. The MSUV management is a party to the plan insofar as they put at participants’ disposal the museum infrastructure, and even the small portion of it’s (rather modest) program budget, without however being given in return any written project, list of participants or programme of the event. Without precise insight of what-who-how is going actually to happen – and without having in hand any written contract with the participants - the management had de facto renounced, even if only temporarily, to it’s centralised functions of planning, organising, staffing, controlling and directing.
museum as a common / besides being critical of the way the public cultural institutions are conceived, organised and managed – reflecting the dominant social model which is representative, selective, exclusive and mostly exploitative – the FACK MSUV operation is an experiment in alternative “bottom-up” institutional model based on participation, self-organization, self-management, inclusivity and cooperation between artists, curators, scholars and attentive publics/citizens.
the coming art(ist) / in addition to being an occasion to perform collectively the museum as a common, FACK MSUV opens up the space for more specific, and more critical, reflection on what kind of art(ist) – and therefore on what kind of art education and art institution - do we need in today’s globalised and ever more liqufied and precarious society regulated by the economical and financial interests of the very few.
art and revolution / another important focus of the operation is to question the non-relation of the new post-Yugoslav societies and their cultural institutions with the heritage/values of the socialist revolution and the antifascist struggle in the WWII. In particular the MSUV’s non-relation with the (hi)story of the very building in which it is “temporarily” situated since 2001 (and with the building’s sole remaining original exposition room, which was recently contextualized in nationalistic key by the historical Museum of Vojvodina) - the building was actually constructed for the Museum of revolution (funded in 1956), which fell in oblivion and decay during the Yugoslav conflicts of the 1990s.
social and cultural laboratory / during the FACK MSUV operation will take place, in and out of the museum building, different all-day activities open to public: assemblies, open debates, presentations, workshops, classes, workgroups meetings, performances, projections, site-specific interventions, concerts, cooking, resting, chess and football matches, common meals, etc. The activities will be deployed within the tripartire scheme: the “workshop” dimension - the “strike” dimension – the “fête” dimension. The intention is to transform the museum from the solely representational/exhibition space into an open laboratory for social and cultural experimentation in which ideas and practices can be horizontaly exchanged, developed and shared in the atmosphere of mutuality and solidarity. Therefore it is warmly recommended that the participants plan their permanence during the whole week of the event.
thematic clusters/(in)disciplinary workgroups / following thematic clusters will be confronted during the event, day by day, in informal open format seminars: re-designing the museum/museum as laboratory; un-making publics; practicing multitude/new institutions of common, right to the city/culture; art and migrations/transbordering practices; European web of liberated time-spaces; de-schooling practicies/alternative (to) art education; new (cultural) economies/alternative currencies; art workers social status/new class (precariat) conscience; the coming art(ist)/artivism for the XXI century; contemporary art: a concept, a system, a market/exit from or reapropriation of the contemporary; cultural boycott/ArtLeaks; (new) autonomy of art;...(themes can be rearranged, changed, others can be added).
All activities will be coordinated by different workgroups, some of which are already active while others are to be formed in place: architecture/urbanisam; theatre/dance/performance; film/video; sound/music; visual arts; cooking (for) art; theory/philosophy; communication/programming; unclassified stuff, etc. One can ether join one (or more) of the workgroups, or create one’s own, or do the both. Different workgroups can collaborate, merge, transform in new ones, collapse...
equality of intelligences / FACK MSUV is a collaborative event co-created, co-curated, co-organised, co-produced, co-directed, co-performed and co-signed (with the credits in alphabetical order) by ALL participants and partnering organisations. Each one contributes to the event in different ways – investing her/his work, time, knowledge, skills, services, materials, equipment, etc - according to his/her own wishes and possibilities. Every participant makes equal use of the available infrastructure and resources in cooperation and in agreement with the others. The call for participation is open to ALL interested individuals/groups – no one is doing centralised selection of the participants, each one is rather selecting oneself for the event taking in consideration its terms and scopes and taking full responsibility for one’s own doings. Everyone is free to involve other persons into the operation, thus extending the chain of mutual trust and confidence based on the postulate of equality of intelligences.
practicalities / the rather modest budget on disposition will be partly used to organise the accommodation, for those coming from abroad (and out of Novi Sad), and partly for the common meals in the museum. The MSUV, besides the building, put at the disposal part of it’s technical equipment and some services (some equipment/services will be provided by other local partners). However it is warmly recommended that the participants bring, as much as possible, their own equipment/materials (sleeping bags included).
For further information and to join the operation send an e-mail to: [email protected]. Every participant will be provided with username/password for access to the organisational platform: http://fackmsuv.blogspot.com/.
Or simply come in person on Monday 30. june, at 12.00 CET, for the opening assembly (or on any other day during the period of “liberaton”).
What the F.A.C.K. is...
F.A.C.K. is an open mobile indisciplinary collaborative transient (con)temporary platform/event, launched in 2012 in Cesena (Italy), for experimentation and research in alternative bottom-up organizational and production models for arts and culture. Self-menaged by indipendent artists, curators, researchers and technicians FACK questions, in practice and in theory, the dominant (art) system and its institutions, as well as the function of art and the role of artist within our liquid society striked by a profound structural crisis.
F.A.C.K. stands for: Frakcija, Faktum, Forum, Festival, Fabrique / Akcija, Agora, Akademia, Arte, Act / Culture, (Con)temporary, Cantiere, Container, Comunità / Kultura, Komuna, Kazbah, and similar...
For more on F.A.C.K:
OPEN CALL / SHJ (in progress)
FACK MSUV / izvođenje muzeja kao zajedničkog dobra
“Za mene postoje dve ideje koje je moguće poistovetiti sa kolektivnom moći, to su komunistička i demokratska ideja, no znamo kako su obe dovele do katastrofalnih, u najmanjoj meri razočaravajućih rezultata. Moja ideja je da ukoliko želimo da damo određeno pozitivno značenje jednoj ili drugoj reči ili obema zajedno, potrebno je zaista misliti šta znači ideja zajednice zasnovane na kapacitetu svih, što ne znači da smatramo da svi rade isto, već da ukoliko mislimo kolektiv jednakih, mislimo ga na osnovu kapaciteta koji je podeljen između svih. Naravno, sve forme vladavine koje danas poznajemo su oligarhijske, zasnovane na mišljenju da postoje oni koji su tu da vladaju, koji su za to kompetentni, postoji čak i nauka o upravljanju (uzgred, kakva je to nauka koju poistovećujemo sa politikom?). U odnosu na sve ovo imamo dve mogućnosti: ili da smatramo da je dobro tako kako je i ćutimo, ili da mislimo da nije dobro i da je nešto drugo moguće pod nekim drugim imenom. Ta druga opcija može da bude zasnovana samo na hipotezi poverenja u kapacitet inteligencije koji svi dele.” (ransijer)
What the FACK MSUV is...
FACK MSUV je kolektivna društveno-umetnička operacija privremenog “oslobađanja” Muzeja savremene umetnosti Vojvodine (MSUV) u Novom Sadu u periodu od 30. juna do 06. jula 2014.
FACK MSUV je međunarodna akcija inicirana od strane mobilne platforme F.A.C.K. iz Čezene (Italija) u saradnji sa «oslobođenim prostorima» MACAO iz Milana, SALE.Docks iz Venecije, Teatro Valle iz Rima i Teatrom Embros iz Atine, realizovana uz doprinos i učešće brojnih umetnika, kustosa, istraživača, aktivista i građana iz ex-Yu regiona i šire. Uprava MSUV-a je saučesnik u operaciji iako praktično nema uvid u to šta, ko i kako će se desiti - nije dobila pisani projekat, niti listu učesnika, nije sklopila ugovor o saradnji sa inicijatorima - jedino što zna je da će muzej biti zauzet/korišćen (i) od strane učesnika operacije tokom datog perioda (a možda i na duže). Osim toga što je pristala na date uslove uprava je učesnicima akcije stavila na raspolaganje i manji deo svog godišnjeg programskog budžeta (Pokrajinski sekreterijat za kulturu je takođe vanredno finansijski podržao projekat).
Operacija FACK MSUV nije posebno uperena protiv MSUV-a i njegovih zaposlenika - radi se o preobrtanju i preispitivanju dominantnog centralizovanog/reprezentativnog modela javne institucije kulture i njemu odgovarajućih mehanizama kontrole, selekcije i moći koji su gotovo po pravilu u funkciji ličnih/partijskih interesa onih koji u/o njima odlučuju. U pitanju je opšti strukturni problem a ne personalni ili programski problem pojedinačne institucije - dakle it's nothing personal! Sama činjenica da je uprava MSUV-a pristala da muzej bude «oslobođen» ide u prilog tezi da osobe koje sede u javnim institucijama kulture nisu listom neprijatelji nezavisnih umetnika/udruženja (tzv. kognitivnog prekarijata) već da su najčešće i sami zarobljenici birokratskih i ideoloskih mehanizama koji u njima deluju - te stoga vape (makar i krišom ili nesvesno) za slobodom. U tom smislu ovom operacijom se ne oslobađa samo muzej od činovnika koji njime upravljaju/ raspolažu po ustaljenom modelu, koji se želi preispitati, već se i sami činovnici oslobađaju muzeja, to jest njegovih institucionalnih mehanizama, čime im se pruža prilika da participiraju u kolektivnom eksperimentu izvođenja jedne radikalno drugačije kulturne institucije - jednog novog muzeja.
Operacijom FACK MSUV se uspostavlja privremena suspenzija atributa moći unutar javne institucije, to jest njenog hjerarhizovanog upravljčko-izvođačkog lanca (direktor, kustosi, administrativne i tehničke službe, domari, spremačice) - i time sprovodi njena de-institucionalizacija. Ne da bi se stvorila haotična, dezorganizovana situacija u kojoj svako radi šta i kako hoće - već da bi se kroz pažljivo autoregulisan i struktuisan proces participacije i kooperacije otvorio slobodan, ispražnjen prostor za kritičko kreativno preispitivanje i upisivanje. Namera je da se u praksi isproba drugačiji model (samo)upravljanja institucijama kulture - organizovan «od dole», to jest neposredno od strane umetničke i šire društvene zajednice. Ovom akcijom MSUV se transformise od prevashodno reprezentacijsko-izložbenog prostora u otvorenu laboratoriju u kojoj se izvodi svojevrsni društveni i umetnički eksperiment re-institucionalizacije muzeja koncipiranog kao zajedničko dobro (bene comune/commons).
Pored toga što će biti prilika za kolektivno izvođenje muzeja kao zajedničkog dobra, operacijom FACK MSUV se želi otvoriti prostor za šire participirano kritičko promišljanje o tome za kojom vrstom umetnika/umetnosti – a time i kakvom umetničkom edukacijom i kakvom institucijom kulture – postoji potreba u današnjem “tečnom” i globalizovanom društvu, regulisanom prevashodno interesima ekonomskih/finansijskih elita, a koje karkteriše sve izraženija socijalna nejednakost, pojačana državna kontrola i represija, rastuće ograničavanje ličnih i kolektivnih prava i sloboda.
Jedan od fokusa operacije FACK MSUV jeste i problematizacija ne-odnosa post-jugoslovenskih društava i njihovih kulturno-istorijskih institucija sa nasledstvom/vrednostima socijalističke revolucije i antifašističke borbe iz Drugog svetskog rata. Poseban osvrt je na ne-odnosu MSUV-a sa istorijatom i arhitekturom zgrade u kojoj je “privremeno” smešten od 2001, a koja je namenski projektovana (arh. Ivo Vitić) za nekadašnji Muzej [radničkog pokreta i narodne] revolucije. Namera je i da se pokrene debata o konceptu stalne postavke, kontekstualizovane u nacionalnom ključu, dela originalne zbirke Muzeja revolucije koja se još uvek nalazi u jednoj od sala zgrade (za koju je zadužen Muzej Vojvodine).
Operacijom FACK MSUV se želi preokrenuti način upotrebe muzeja od zatvorenog sakupljačko-izlagačkog prostora u otvorenu radionicu u kojoj se ideje, prakse i iskustva horizontalno razmenjuju u kontekstu zajedništva, uzajamnosti i međusobne solidarnosti. Različite aktivnosti otvorene za javnost – klasovi, radionice, plenarne sednice, radni stolovi, debate, prezentacije, projekcije, koncerti, performansi, instalacije - koje će se za vreme trajanja FACK MSUV odvijati tokom dana (i noći) u/oko zgrade muzeja, i na drugim lokacijama po gradu, raspoređene su prema tripartitnoj šemi: dimenzija “radionice” - dimenzija “štrajka” – dimenzija “fešte”.
Predviđene su sledeće tematske zone kojima će se učesnici baviti, dan za danom, u formi za javnost otvorenih neformalnih seminara: re-designing the museum/museum as laboratory; un-making publics; practicing multitude/new institutions of common; right to the city/culture; art and migrations/transbordering practices; European web of liberated time-spaces; de-schooling practicies/alternative (to) art education; new (cultural) economies/alternative currencies; art workers social status/new class (precariat) conscience; the coming art(ist)/artivism for the XXI century; contemporary art: a concept, a system, a market/exit from or reapropriation of the contemporary; cultural boycott/ArtLeaks; (new) autonomy of art;... (teme mogu biti modifikovane, premeštane, nove dodavane)
Sve aktivnosti su koordinisane od strane indisciplinarnih radnih grupa (radnih stolova), od kojih su neke već formirane a druge će to biti na licu mesta: arhitektura urbanizam / vizuelna umetnost instalacije; performans ples teatar / film video / zvuk muzika / teorija filozofija / komunikacija promocija / dokumentacija on-line dnevnik / umetnost kuvanja open-air kuhinja /... Moguće je uključivati se u rad jedne ili više grupa, osnivati nove. Različite grupe mogu međusobno sarađivati, stapati se u nove, rastakati se...
Otvoreni poziv za učestvovanje u operaciji FACK MSUV je upućen SVIMA zainteresovanima koji žele da umetnički/teorijski intervenišu ili da se uključe na neki drugi način. Učesnici se biraju putem samo-selekcije, to jest po principu međusobnog poverenja u sposobnost i inteligenciju drugih – svako bira sebe i svako moze da izabere/uključi nekog drugog u čiji rad/sposobnost veruje – svako pojedinačno preuzima punu odgovornost za sopstveno delovanje tokom operacije. SVI koji uvestvuju su jednako akreditovani (abecednim redom) kao: ko-organizatori, ko-producenti i ko-izvođači operacije FACK MSUV. Nevelikim budžetom koji je na raspolaganju biće obezbeđeni zajednički obroci u muzeju, kao i smeštaj onim učesnicima koji dolaze van Novog Sada (svi učesnici pokrivaju sopstvene putne troškove). Obzirom na specifični karakter operacije toplo se preporučuje učesnicima da planiraju svoj boravak tokom cele nedelje odvijanja događaja.
Za ostale informacije, tehnikalije, komentare i uključivanje pisati na [email protected] (kako bi dobili lozinku za pristup organizacionoj on-line platformi http://fackmsuv.blogspot.com/) ili doći u ponedeljak 30. juna u 12.00h na otvarajući plenarni sastanak kojim započinje operacija FACK MSUV (kao i svakog sledećeg dana u 12.00h tokom trajanja operacije).
What the F.A.C.K. is...
F.A.C.K. je otvorena, neformalna, fleksibilna i tranziciona platforma-događaj-konceptualni instrument za istraživanje novih modela samo-organizacije, samo-upravljanja i samo-produkcije u umetnosti i šire na polju savremene kulture, pokrenuta 2012. u Čezeni (Italija). Do sada su realizovana tri fack događaja koji su podrazumevali izvođenje privremenog (od 2 dana do 3 nedelje) preuzimanja/oslobađanja nekog slabo ili problematično korišćenog javnog prostora od strane međunarodne umetničke zajednice, a u cilju isprobavanja i promišljanja jednog drugačijeg participativnog modela u kulturi, te kritičkog preispitivanja dominantnog umetničkog sistema i uloge koju umetnik zadobija u njemu.
F.A.C.K. je fleksibilni, višejezični i višeznačni akronim koji se moze iščitavati po potrebi, želji, raspoloženju ili situaciji kao: Frakcija, Faktum, Forum, Festival, Fabrique/Akcija, Agora, Akademija, Arte, Act/Cultura, Contemporary, Cantiere, Container, Comunità/Kultura, Komuna, Kazbah i slično, ili jednostavno kao fack! svemu što nastoji da umetničko delovanje (i svaki proizvodni i vitalni proces uopšte) podredi dominantnim mehanizmima neo-liberalne ideologije, to jest interesima finansijskih, političkih i kulturnih elita (tj. logici kapitala).
F.A.C.K. je deo talasa recentnog italijanskog društveno-umetničkog fenomena tzv. "oslobodjenih prostora" nastalog 2011. zauzimanjem, od strane radnika u kulturi i umetnosti, dva napuštena javna prostora za kulturu u Rimu - Ex-Cinema Palazzo i Teatro Valle - koji su postali predmet špekulacije nekretninama rizikujući da budu privatizovani i transformisani, prvi u kockarnicu a drugi u noćni klub. Ključni momenat u genezi F.A.C.K.-a bila je akcija zauzimanja napuštenog nebodera Torre Galfa u centru Milana u proleće 2012, od strane umetničkog kolektiva MACAO i brojnog građanstva, i njegove (privremene) transformacije u novi centar za umetnost, u čemu je učestvovalo više od 1000 ljudi. F.A.C.K. je deo neformalne italijanske mreže oslobođenih prostora koju čine: Nuovo Cinema Palazzo, Teatro Valle Occupato, Angelo Mai Altrove, MAAM iz Rima; Asilo Filangeri iz Napulja, Teatro Copolla iz Katanie, Teatro Pinelli Occupato iz Mesine, Teatro Garibaldi iz Palerma, Teatro Rossi Aperto iz Pize, Nuovo Centro per le Arti MACAO iz Milana, Teatro Marinoni i S.a.L.E.Docks iz Venecije, Teatro Teramo iz Terama, Assemblea Cavallerizza 14:45 iz Torina,... (nove situacije stalno niču obzirom da svako malo biva oslobođen neki novi napušteni prostor, uglavnom bioskopi, pozorišta, kasarne ali i poneka robna kuća).
What the FACK MSUV is...
FACK MSUV si svolgerà al Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Vojvodina (MSUV) a Novi Sad (Serbia) dal 30.06 al 06.07.2014.
L'operazione FACK MSUV consiste nell "liberare" temporaneamente il museo - trasformandolo in una zona temporaneamente autonoma - aprendolo alla comunità artistica (e non solo) locale e internazionale, mettendo l'intero fabbricato a disposizione, senza alcun filtro istituzionale di controllo e di selezione "dall'alto". La direzione e’ complice dell'iniziativa: ha accettato di rendere disponibile il museo, senza richiedere alcun progetto ne’ programma, ne’ lista partecipanti, ne’ contratto - abdicando di fatto, anche se solo temporaneamente, alla propria posizione di potere e di controllo.
Oltre ad una critica delle istituzioni pubbliche della cultura, dei loro modi di funzionamento e di gestione delle risorse comuni, del modello rappresentativo e selettivo-esclusivo, e dei criteri e valori su cui esso si basa, l'operazione FACK MSUV ha soprattutto l'intenzione di sperimentare un modello di gestione e programmazione alternativo basato sulla partecipazione, autorganizzazione, inclusione, uguaglianza e cooperazione fra artisti, curatori, studiosi e cittadini - un diverso modello d'istituzione auto-gestita "dal basso" come bene comune. Nell’ambito specifico di un’istituzione d'arte contemporanea quale MSUV, il desiderio è anche quello di proporre una riflessione ampia e condivisa riguardo a che tipo d'arte sia necessaria oggi e - di conseguenza - che tipo di museo d'arte.
Durante la settimana dell'occupazione si terranno diverse attività aperte al pubblico: incontri, seminari, proiezioni, mostre, istallazioni, ascolti, performance, concerti, etc. Il desiderio è che il museo, oltre ad essere uno spazio aperto per la presentazione di lavori ed eventi, diventi un laboratorio aperto, dove poter sperimentare, scambiare idee e pratiche, fare nuovi incontri e esperienze, creare nuove alleanze e contagi. Per questo sarebbe positiva, se possibile, la permanenza di chi interviene durante tutta la settimana dell'evento.
Nell’attuale fase di preparazione proponiamo d’iniziare a interagire tra noi tutte/i proponendo contenuti e formati attraverso vari "tavoli di lavoro" basati su strumenti di comunicazione online, quali ad esempio: tavolo architettura/urbanismo, tavolo musica/suono, tavolo performance, tavolo cinema/video, tavolo arte culinaria, tavolo frontiere/migrazioni - FACK BORDERS, tavolo beni comuni/commons, tavolo sistemi di cattura, tavolo arte visiva, e altri. Chi decide d’intervenire puo’ prendere parte attiva sia prima che durante l'evento, contribuendo alla sua co-ideazione, co-preparazione, co-organizzazione, co-promozione, co-realizzazione, co-documentazione, invitando e coinvolgendo altre persone che ritiene interessate/interessanti. Ognuno e’ libero di partecipare, secondo un principio di auto-selezione, scelta reciproca, autovalutazione del contesto, fiducia nella capacità e nell’intelligenza di tutti; ognuno assume la responsabilità per se stesso e per il proprio lavoro. Tutti i partecipanti all'operazione FACK MSUV sono accreditati nell'ordine alfabetico come co-autori, co-produttori e co-realizzatori dell'evento.
Per altre info e PARTECIPAZIONE scrivere a> [email protected]
[E' online il blog-piattaforma FACK MSUV per comunicazioni, interazioni, riflessioni, informazioni e coordinamento, tra chi interviene all'evento. Il blog FACK MSUV e' uno strumento per la preparazione, un contenitore visibile solo agli utenti da utilizzare e da sviluppare insieme, che serve a incontrarci virtualmente e a elaborare concetti e logistica prima di trovarci a Novi Sad. Chi desidera intervenire a FACK MSUV puo' chiedere l'accesso come lettore/creatore del blog scrivendo a [email protected]]
DATE: 30 giugno – 6 luglio 2014
DOVE: MSUV - Museo di Arte Contemporanea della Vojvodina – Novi Sad - Serbia
WHAT THE F.A.C.K. is...
F.A.C.K. è una piattaforma-evento collaborativa, transdisciplinare e aperta, consistente in appuntamenti temporanei autoprodotti e autogestiti dagli artisti, teorici e tecnici partecipanti, per sperimentare e riflettere su modelli alternativi di organizzazione e produzione nelle arti contemporanee, per interrogarsi attraverso la pratica artistica e la discussione riguardo al sistema dell’arte oggi, ai cambiamenti sociali in atto, a come posizionarsi in quanto artista nella crisi trasversale attuale. Nel 2012 e 2013 sono state realizzate edizioni della durata di circa 15 giorni, che hanno incluso dibattiti, performance, concerti, laboratori, video proiezioni e mostre, con la partecipazione di artisti, e teorici italiani e stranieri.
FACK ha avuto inizio a Cesena nella primavera del 2012, anche grazie al contagio positivo delle occupazioni culturali nate di recente: lavoratori dello spettacolo e dell’arte hanno realizzato in vari centri urbani italiani una serie d'occupazioni/liberazioni di spazi pubblici, o privati, che erano stati sottratti alla cittadinanza perché lasciati all'abbandono e/o destinati alla speculazione immobiliare, li hanno restituiti ad una funzione pubblica sperimentando modalita’ aperte e partecipate nell’organizzazione delle attivita’.
F.A.C.K. è un acronimo variabile e multilingue che, secondo la necessità, il desiderio o il contesto, sta per: Forum di Arte e Cultura Kontemporanea - oppure per Faktum, Fabbrica, Forum, Festival / Azione, Agora, Autonomia, Act, Arte, Agon / Cultura, Contemporary, Casa, Container, Comunità / Kultura, Komuna, Kazbah – ma anche semplicemente per fack! a tutto quello che cerca di sottomettere l'agire artistico (e l'agire umano in generale) ad un'ideologia che rispecchia gli interessi di gruppi ristretti e chiusi, delle odierne elites economiche, politiche e culturali.
FACK è un fenomeno trans-territoriale e transnazionale, un contenitore temporaneo e transitivo creato di volta in volta da chi interviene, un minimo denominatore comune – una forza mobile e variabile. FACK è uno strumento concettuale e organizzativo/produttivo - accessibile a tutti gli interessati - con cui si possono realizzare degli eventi specifici in formati, formazioni, tempi e luoghi disparati. FACK non è un collettivo o gruppo fisso, non è una associazione, non è un "progetto" ne’ un manifesto, non è un festival ne’ una mostra. FACK si forma, de/forma e riforma con ogni singola iniziativa-evento, che a sua volta può adottare il formato "festival", "mostra", "dibattito", "performance", etc, oppure crearne combinazioni diverse, o farne a meno, o inventare formati inediti... Quello che delinea l'identità del FACK sono le specifiche modalità organizzative-produttive-partecipative che adotta, le questioni a cui si richiama chi lo attraversa, lo desidera, lo usa, lo nutre, lo sviluppa...