2013 11.12 Track 14 I'M GLAD TODAY IS MONDAY voice excerpt SEATTLE/DUBLIN phone call
to buy the CD or hear the first track
Here's the press release:
CD Release Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 8pm
Location: Solo Bar, 200 Roy St Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 213-0080
Attention Amy Denio Fans!
Seattle's 'Avant Goddess' is releasing a new recording project, Prodigal Light featuring her unique and beautifully skewed pop/world soul songs. 24 colleagues from the US, Mexico, Spain and Italy join her on these songs, and the results are fabulous!
Please join Denio and many of her collaborators for the CD Presentation at Solo Bar in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle at 8pm on Tuesday, November 12.
Prodigal Light contains 15 gorgeous songs regarding love, the gloaming, visions in an Irish graveyard, commentary on the infinite by her mother, parallel universes, the apocalypse, piano tuning, an imagined nightmare for Dubya, an Italian partisan song, the Cafe Racer murders, and life in a nursing home.
Denio presents her fine multi-instrumental talents, playing 12-string and electric guitars, bass, alto saxophone, clarinet, wooden flute, accordion, piano, a variety of percussion instruments, and a jar of her mother's gallstones. Her voice soars with unearthly harmonies, her lyrics are serious, playful and thought-provoking, and the songs are unforgettable.
It's distributed by CDBaby.com and available for download at amydenio.bandcamp.com.
Collaborators include:
Scott Adams: voice, accordion / Danny Barnes: voice, banjo / Nancy Denio: voice
Anne Denio: voice / Marchette DuBois: voice, accordion
Martha Enson: lyrics to 'Come To Us Now' / Stephen Fandrich: piano tuning
Bianca 'La Jorona' Giovannini: voice / David Greenberger: oral history transcription & voice
Eli Kaufmann: voice, accordion / Detonator Beth Lawrence: mouth sounds
Mary Grace Lawrence the dog: bark / Francisco Lopez: noise of tomatoes
Jane Mabry: glockenspiel / Jim McAdams: theremin, sound sculpture / Eli McBett: voice
Frank Pahl: horn, guitar, kick drum, whistling, bamboo flute, bell
Bob Phillips: tape squish sounds, 'gajangle' / Nick Ripley: science set / J.R. Rhodes: voice
Abel Rocha: voice, guitar, cuatro / Madeleine Sosin: voice, violin, bombo
Chris Stromquist: drums / Michael Vlatkovich: trombone
twitter: @amydenio