2024 10.12 LA PREPARAZIONE DEL TERRENO 30 Slí an Uisce, Clonroche, Irlanda
this project happens like an art practice,
in progress for the preparation to a main project
titled Terra Mia@ based in Italy
THE PREPARATION OF THE SOIL® by McBett 1- THE GARDEN AT THE BACK OF THE HOUSE I present the garden at the back of the house, as the first exhibition project of this project. (The work also includes the Garden in front of the house and the Plants inside the House). Upon this soil lies the residuals of the work lost in four other previous locations. When I arrived a year ago, the bad weather was already flooding the barren land, whose grass had immediately taken away. It was the end of August. Grass does not root by nature, it flows on the surface, leaving only the mud when it rains. In autumn the falsely green land, deluded by the grass that flows on the surface, becomes barren and muddy again. Other plants are mistreated by humans, like weeds, and killed with herbicides. Even my plants often suffer this fate, thanks to the abuse of neighbors. DISCONTINUITY A contingent discontinuity produces this organic activity and its an-aesthetics. OPEN ARCHITECTURE Rational projects, conventional plans... structural architectures are shattered. Today's work is extemporaneous, without remorse, pure practice, realized in presence. It accesses risk. It prefers confusion to order. The retreat of the human figure, leaves room for nature. Submission to nature REVERSE ARCHITECTURE Intelligence has already oc-cursed: In ten years of work, today I perform disorganically, in organicity only with my undisciplined daily life. Occasional and disorganic, an hourly circularity is born. AESTHETICS OF NECESSITY Remembering the lockdown, I listen to signs. I adapt to circumstances. I save energy. I accept the time that passes, or that is still. THE CAGE It concerns the house. The council house that welcomes me, then locking me in. I live in this house like a fish out of water. THE HYBRID GARDEN Coincidental will is not a rational choice. The external factors, spontaneous, are welcome, are new material along with ideas. There is an opening to the natural environment, even the violent, extravagant, incorrect one. ANTI-EUGENICS The mind is clear, structured only by a few principles, not imposing. THE DIRTY GARDEN Contamination is everywhere, before my arrival,in the dirty soil, in the mistreated plants,in the lack of current care, which is also care, in the occasional destruction produced by dogs, cats, lowland birds, rodents. In the invasiveness of the garden grass, in the implacable weather and time. In the dirty land of previous contaminations, waste, dump, coal, plastic that I only gradually remove or even include. Twenty-five years ago, in Dublin, contingent factors pushed me to work with found objects, found materials, when it was not in fashion and arte povera was a very rigorous and closed practice. Today my found object is alive, it takes root, blooms, grows, reproduces, dries up or dies. Today in Co. Wexford, as then, meantime the institutions are busy at establishing the human races, however, it is war. PALE GARDEN The rational intention to develop nature on pre-established whites, albeit natural, and the reality of an independent nature to allow a very slow and non-invasive transformation: It seems just a tissue of mistreated land. These are the plants it contains, but also that cannot grow. |
LA PREPARAZIONE DEL TERRENO® by McBett 1- IL GIARDINO SUL RETRO DELLA CASA Presento il giardino sul retro della casa, come primo progetto espositivo di questo progetto. (Il lavoro include anche il Giardino davanti alla casa e le Piante dentro la Casa). Su questo suolo giace la rimanenza del lavoro perso in altre quattro locazioni. Quando sono arrivata un anno fa, il maltempo allagava già la terra brulla, la cui erba si era subito sottratta. Era fine agosto. L'erba non radica per sua natura, scorre sulla superficie, lasciando melma quando piove. In autunno la terra falsamente verde, illusa dall'erba che scorre in superficie, torna brulla e fangosa. Altre piante sono maltrattate come erbacce ed uccise con i diserbanti. Anche le mie piante spesso fanno questa fine, grazie all'abuso dei vicini. DISCONTINUITÀ Una discontinuità contingente, produce questa attività organica e le sue an-estetiche. ARCHITETTURA APERTA I progetti razionali, i piani convenzionali... le architetture strutturali sono frantumate. Il lavoro di oggi è estemporaneo, senza rimorso, pura pratica, realizzato nella presenza. Accede al rischio. Preferisce la confusione, all'ordine. Il retrocedere della figura umana, lascia posto alla natura. Sottomissione alla natura ARCHITETTURA REVERSA L'intelligenza è già ac-caduta: In dieci anni di lavoro, oggi eseguo disorganicamente, in organicità solo con la mia quotidianità indisciplinata. Occasionale e disorganica, nasce una circolarità oraria. ESTETICA DELLA NECESSITÀ Memore del passato lockdown, ascolto i segni. Mi adatto alle circostanze. Risparmio energia. Accetto il tempo che passa, o che non passa. LA GABBIA Riguarda la casa. La casa popolare che mi accoglie, e poi mi imprigiona. Vivo in questa casa come un pesce fuor d'acqua. IL GIARDINO IBRIDO La volontà coincidente non è scelta razionale. I fattori esterni, spontanei, sono accolti, sono nuovo materiale assieme alle idee. Si verifica un'apertura all'ambiente naturale, anche quello violento, stravagante, scorretto. ANTI_EUGENETICA La mente è sgombra, strutturata solo da alcuni principi, non impositiva. IL GIARDINO SPORCO La contaminazione è ovunque, precedente il mio arrivo, nel terreno sporco, nelle piante maltrattate, nella mancanza di cura attuale, che è anche cura, nella distruzione occasionale prodotta da cani, gatti, uccelli di pianura, roditori. Nella invasività dell'erba da giardino,nell' implacabile tempo atmosferico e temporale. Nella terra sporca di contaminazioni precedenti, rifuti, discarica, carbone, plastica che solo gradualmente rimuovo oppure includo. Venticinque anni fa, a Dublino, i fattori contingenti mi spinsero a lavorare con oggetti di recupero, materiali trovati, quando non era di moda e l'arte povera una pratica molto rigorosa e chiusa. Oggi il mio trovarobato è vivo, radica, fiorisce, cresce, si riproduce, si secca o muore. Oggi nella Contea di Wexford, come allora, mentre le istituzioni si interessano a definire le razze umane, è, comunque, guerra. GIARDINO PALLIDO L'intenzione razionale di sviluppare la natura su bianchi prestabiliti, seppur naturali, e la realtà di una natura indipendente a cui permettere una trasformazione molto lenta e non invasiva: Sembra solo un fazzoletto di terra maltrattato. Queste sono le piante che contiene, ma anche che non può crescere. |
Embrionale tabella/ calendario di lavoro, non ancora completo:
Agrifoglio - Holy tree
23 Oct: Transplanted from the wood
23 Dec: fallen leaves
24 Aug: few new leaves born from one of the stems
Albicocco - Apricot
24 August: seed in pot not growing
Mandorlo - Almond tree (back right corner?)
24 August: small plant
Pero - Pear tree (in pot)
24June/August: small plant
Pesco - Peach
24 August: seed in pot not growing
Prunus - Ciliegio - Cherry tree
24 August: seed in pot some start growing
Quercia Roverella - Quercus Pubescent - Oak
24 July/August: small plant inn vase
24 September: damaged by dog on top leaves
Sorbo - Rowan - Mountain Ash (garden)
24 August: one year old little plant
seeded in pots
Susino - Plum
24 August: seed in pot not growing ?
Matricaria inodora - Tripleurospermum Maritimum - Falsa Camomilla - False Chamomile
- Scentless mayweed, Scentless chamomile Tripleurospermum perforatum - Tripleurospermum inodorum - Tripleurospermum maritimum
22 summer: collected from seaside Cullenstown planted in Duncormick
23 August: transferred from Duncormick
24 Aug/Sept: flowers
Melograno - Pomegranate ( in vase + some back right corner soil)
24Aug: small plants
Ortensia panicolata - Hydrangea paniculata
24August/Sept: buds
Rosa Bianca - White Rose
24Sept: flower
Rosa canina - Dog Rose
24July: transfer to soil from front to back
Viburno - Viburnum Eve Price
24 March: transplant to soil plant split
24June: flower
24 september: two parts broken - new leaves
Clematis bianca - Clematis Guernsey Cream
24 March: trasplant from pot in soil under walls
24 April: flowers
Edera piccola con foglie esterne bianche - small Ivy white edges
sviluppa dal vicino sulla staccionata
24 Aug: planted 2 talee around the wall
Fagioli Borlotti Tintoretto- Borlotti Beans tintoretto
24 March: seeds in soil left wall
Fava - French bean climbing hinter - manure
24 June: seeds planted in soil scattered
Gelsomino - Jasmine
24 July/August: flowers
24 March: seeds planted in soil left
Passiflora - Passiflora caerula - Passion Flower
3 plants (1 died)
24 June: blossoms plant @ street wall
Pisello - Pea (early) early Onward
24 february: planted in soil
24August: flowers
Solano bianco - Solanum white
Vite Americana - American wine
(maybe dead)
24 Sept: little sprouts
Allisso bianco - Alyssum Carpet of Snow (pot)
24 Feb: seeded on pot
24 May: other seeds on soil
24 August: flowers
24Sept: transplant on soil - Flowers
Borsa del Pastore - Shepherd's Purse (concrete platform)
24August: seeds
Camomilla - Chamomile
24 February: seeds spread
Campanula bianca - white bellflower (?)
24 July: flowers24 August: disappeared
Centocchio dei Campi (Mordigallina) -
Lysimachia Arvensis (Anagallis arvensis ?) - Scarlet Pimpernel
24 July/august: flowers
Closes flowers at dusk.
Giglio binco - Ivory Coast Lily
24 May: bulb in the soil
Gypsophilia Elegans Covent garden
24 March: seeds spread
24 May: seeds spread
24 September: growing plants
Ibisco crema - Hybiscus simply love Flower of the Hour
seminare feb/marzo
24 May: seeds bagnati piantati
24 Sept: non noto piante
Lobelia bianca - lobelia white (pot)
24August: flowers
Nasturzio vermiglione - Tropaelum minor - Nasturtium Empress of India
24 Feb: seeds planted in borders mud ?
Senecione comune - Common Ragwort
24August: flowers
Allium neapolitanum
24May: bulbs in soil
Blu Iris - Iris blue
Bucaneve - Snowdrop
23 Dec: bulbi nel terreno
24 jan: fiori
Gladiolus murielae
24 March: bulbs in soil (50?)
24 Sept: flowers (two)
Hymenocallis festalis holland
24 May: bulbs in soil
White Iris - Iris White
23 Aug: transplanted bulbs from Duncormick (ancient bulbs)
Basilico - Basil (pot)
24Aug: molded
Bieta - Beta Vulgaris Cicla - Swiss Chard Lucullus
24 february: seeds central soil
24 May: plant transplanted into the garden
Cavolo viola - Cabbage (savoy) supersavoy F1
23 Oct: plant transplanted into garden from Duncormick
Cetriolo - Cucumbers delikated
24 June: seeds on the back
Crescione - Water cress
Crescione - Cress extra curled organic
24 feb: seeded in soil central
24 July/Sept: flowers
Erica fuxia - Heather fuxia
24Aug: moved to backgarden left side/grebble
Fagiolini Verdi - French beans Saxa
24 June: seeds in soil
24 Aug: un fagiolino
24 Sept: crop (minimal few mutations hybrids, with split ends )
Farinello - Chenopodium album - Blitum album
24Sept: pianta tra la ghiaia, accanto alla casa e nel giardino
Fava - Field bean - Green Manure
24 March: seeded
24 May/June: beans
Fragole di Bosco - Wild Strawberry
23 Nov: taken from Kealty wood transplanted
Maggiorana - Majoram Annual - Origanum Majorama
24 March: seeds planted
Melanzana - Aubergine patio mix
Organic seeds from Organic Food
24 April: seeds on soil
Prezzemolo - Parsley (pot)
24Aug: minimal growth
Piantaggine - Pshyillum - Plantago
Prezzemolo - Parsley wega
24 Marzo: seeds spread
Rughetta - Rocket
Spinacio - Spinach beet perpetual
24 June: seeds on pot with potatoes edges
24 Sept: transplanted on soil
Timo comune - Tymus Vulgaris - Thyme
24 March: seeds spread
Trifoglio bianco - White clover
23 Dec: seeds in soil
24 June sept +: flowers
Trigonella (Fieno Greco) - Fenugreek -Trigonella foenumgraecum
24 Aug: plants growing from seeds -
transplanted on soil. firmed individually
Cavolo - Kale superfood mix -
24 March: seeds in soil left
Verbena - Verbena Drums
24 May: trapianto da vaso
Agrifoglio - Holy tree
23 Oct: Transplanted from the wood
23 Dec: fallen leaves
24 Aug: few new leaves born from one of the stems
Albicocco - Apricot
24 August: seed in pot not growing
Mandorlo - Almond tree (back right corner?)
24 August: small plant
Pero - Pear tree (in pot)
24June/August: small plant
Pesco - Peach
24 August: seed in pot not growing
Prunus - Ciliegio - Cherry tree
24 August: seed in pot some start growing
Quercia Roverella - Quercus Pubescent - Oak
24 July/August: small plant inn vase
24 September: damaged by dog on top leaves
Sorbo - Rowan - Mountain Ash (garden)
24 August: one year old little plant
seeded in pots
Susino - Plum
24 August: seed in pot not growing ?
Matricaria inodora - Tripleurospermum Maritimum - Falsa Camomilla - False Chamomile
- Scentless mayweed, Scentless chamomile Tripleurospermum perforatum - Tripleurospermum inodorum - Tripleurospermum maritimum
22 summer: collected from seaside Cullenstown planted in Duncormick
23 August: transferred from Duncormick
24 Aug/Sept: flowers
Melograno - Pomegranate ( in vase + some back right corner soil)
24Aug: small plants
Ortensia panicolata - Hydrangea paniculata
24August/Sept: buds
Rosa Bianca - White Rose
24Sept: flower
Rosa canina - Dog Rose
24July: transfer to soil from front to back
Viburno - Viburnum Eve Price
24 March: transplant to soil plant split
24June: flower
24 september: two parts broken - new leaves
Clematis bianca - Clematis Guernsey Cream
24 March: trasplant from pot in soil under walls
24 April: flowers
Edera piccola con foglie esterne bianche - small Ivy white edges
sviluppa dal vicino sulla staccionata
24 Aug: planted 2 talee around the wall
Fagioli Borlotti Tintoretto- Borlotti Beans tintoretto
24 March: seeds in soil left wall
Fava - French bean climbing hinter - manure
24 June: seeds planted in soil scattered
Gelsomino - Jasmine
24 July/August: flowers
24 March: seeds planted in soil left
Passiflora - Passiflora caerula - Passion Flower
3 plants (1 died)
24 June: blossoms plant @ street wall
Pisello - Pea (early) early Onward
24 february: planted in soil
24August: flowers
Solano bianco - Solanum white
Vite Americana - American wine
(maybe dead)
24 Sept: little sprouts
Allisso bianco - Alyssum Carpet of Snow (pot)
24 Feb: seeded on pot
24 May: other seeds on soil
24 August: flowers
24Sept: transplant on soil - Flowers
Borsa del Pastore - Shepherd's Purse (concrete platform)
24August: seeds
Camomilla - Chamomile
24 February: seeds spread
Campanula bianca - white bellflower (?)
24 July: flowers24 August: disappeared
Centocchio dei Campi (Mordigallina) -
Lysimachia Arvensis (Anagallis arvensis ?) - Scarlet Pimpernel
24 July/august: flowers
Closes flowers at dusk.
Giglio binco - Ivory Coast Lily
24 May: bulb in the soil
Gypsophilia Elegans Covent garden
24 March: seeds spread
24 May: seeds spread
24 September: growing plants
Ibisco crema - Hybiscus simply love Flower of the Hour
seminare feb/marzo
24 May: seeds bagnati piantati
24 Sept: non noto piante
Lobelia bianca - lobelia white (pot)
24August: flowers
Nasturzio vermiglione - Tropaelum minor - Nasturtium Empress of India
24 Feb: seeds planted in borders mud ?
Senecione comune - Common Ragwort
24August: flowers
Allium neapolitanum
24May: bulbs in soil
Blu Iris - Iris blue
Bucaneve - Snowdrop
23 Dec: bulbi nel terreno
24 jan: fiori
Gladiolus murielae
24 March: bulbs in soil (50?)
24 Sept: flowers (two)
Hymenocallis festalis holland
24 May: bulbs in soil
White Iris - Iris White
23 Aug: transplanted bulbs from Duncormick (ancient bulbs)
Basilico - Basil (pot)
24Aug: molded
Bieta - Beta Vulgaris Cicla - Swiss Chard Lucullus
24 february: seeds central soil
24 May: plant transplanted into the garden
Cavolo viola - Cabbage (savoy) supersavoy F1
23 Oct: plant transplanted into garden from Duncormick
Cetriolo - Cucumbers delikated
24 June: seeds on the back
Crescione - Water cress
Crescione - Cress extra curled organic
24 feb: seeded in soil central
24 July/Sept: flowers
Erica fuxia - Heather fuxia
24Aug: moved to backgarden left side/grebble
Fagiolini Verdi - French beans Saxa
24 June: seeds in soil
24 Aug: un fagiolino
24 Sept: crop (minimal few mutations hybrids, with split ends )
Farinello - Chenopodium album - Blitum album
24Sept: pianta tra la ghiaia, accanto alla casa e nel giardino
Fava - Field bean - Green Manure
24 March: seeded
24 May/June: beans
Fragole di Bosco - Wild Strawberry
23 Nov: taken from Kealty wood transplanted
Maggiorana - Majoram Annual - Origanum Majorama
24 March: seeds planted
Melanzana - Aubergine patio mix
Organic seeds from Organic Food
24 April: seeds on soil
Prezzemolo - Parsley (pot)
24Aug: minimal growth
Piantaggine - Pshyillum - Plantago
Prezzemolo - Parsley wega
24 Marzo: seeds spread
Rughetta - Rocket
Spinacio - Spinach beet perpetual
24 June: seeds on pot with potatoes edges
24 Sept: transplanted on soil
Timo comune - Tymus Vulgaris - Thyme
24 March: seeds spread
Trifoglio bianco - White clover
23 Dec: seeds in soil
24 June sept +: flowers
Trigonella (Fieno Greco) - Fenugreek -Trigonella foenumgraecum
24 Aug: plants growing from seeds -
transplanted on soil. firmed individually
Cavolo - Kale superfood mix -
24 March: seeds in soil left
Verbena - Verbena Drums
24 May: trapianto da vaso